2 MILLION POPULAR VOTE LEAD BY HILLARY & STILL LOSE ELECTION...Is It Time For A Constitutional Change from Electoral College? Hillary Clinton’s Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.

 11/12/2016 07:37 pm ET Excerpt from Huffingtonpost
Hillary Clinton not only won the popular vote in Tuesday’s election. It is now clear that she won it by a margin larger than two candidates who went on to win the presidency.
David Leonhardt, a columnist for The New York Times, noted on Friday that with a 1.7-percentage-point popular vote lead over Donald Trump,Clinton will have a larger margin of victory than Richard Nixon had over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 or John F. Kennedy had over Nixon in 1960. (Her edge is also larger than Al Gore’s popular vote victory over George W. Bush in 2000, though he too was stymied by an electoral college loss.)
In raw numbers, that amounts to an edge of roughly 1.8 million votes as of Saturday. Votes are still being counted, however, with the outstanding ballots overwhelmingly concentrated in Democratic bastions like California, Washington state and New York. 
The Times’ Nate Cohn estimated on Saturday that there were a total of 7 million votes left to be counted nationwide. As of Thursday, more than 4 million votes had yet to be counted in California alone.
That means that Clinton’s lead will almost certainly grow in the coming days, as it has since election night. A larger popular vote lead will not change the electoral college math and thus the election’s fundamental outcome.
But it comes as welcome news for progressives eager to cast aspersions on President-elect Trump’s political mandate ― and gives fodder to a nascent campaign to abolish the electoral college, which has defied the will of the voters twice in the past two decades. more

Michael Moore Predicts Donald Trump Won’t Last The Full 4 Years “He will break laws because he’s only thinking about what’s best for him.”

11/11/2016 03:50 pm ET
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, who in July correctly predicted Donald Trump would win the White House, now says the president-elect’s first term will end in either his resignation or impeachment.
Trump will be impeached or resign, Moore argues.
“Here’s what’s going to happen, this is why we’re not going to have to suffer through four years of Donald J. Trump, because he has no ideology except the ideology of Donald J. Trump,” Moore said Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “And when you have a narcissist like that, who’s so narcissistic where it’s all about him, he will, maybe unintentionally, break laws. He will break laws because he’s only thinking about what’s best for him.”
When host Mika Brzezinski asked Moore if he were now wishing ill on Trump, Moore replied, “He is ill.” “He is racist,” Moore said. “He is a misogynist. He is an authoritarian.”  Like Moore, political historian Allan Lichtman predicted Trump would be president. But he also forecast that the next president would be impeached.
“This one is not based on a system; it’s just my gut,” Lichtman told The Washington Post in September. “[Republicans] don’t want Trump as president, because they can’t control him. He’s unpredictable. They’d love to have [Vice President-elect Mike] Pence — an absolutely down-the-line, conservative, controllable Republican. And I’m quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”
Moore participated in a massive anti-Trump protest in Manhattan on Wednesday and has urged relentless resistance. 
“We are going to resist, we are going to oppose,” he told MSNBC. “This is going to continue, tonight and the next night and the next night. And all he has to do is start nominating Rudy Giuliani as attorney general, and things like that ― or his Supreme Court. This is going to be a massive resistance. Women are calling for a million woman march on the Inauguration Day, and there is going to be the largest demonstration ever on Inauguration Day.”  more

THE GOONIES ARE HERE. TRUMP'S racist friends raise their ugly heads.

NYT Review Of Megyn Kelly’s New Book Details Shady Trump And Ailes Behavior....her relationship with disgraced former CEO Roger Ailes and the network’s coziness with President-elect Donald Trump.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s new book, Settle For More, has promised to be a revealing look into the inner workings of Fox News, her relationship with disgraced former CEO Roger Ailes and the network’s coziness with President-elect Donald Trump.
Fox News host Megyn Kelly
But a new piece in the New York Times Book Review blows all that anticipation out of the water. In the book review, Times book critic Jennifer Senior recalls some of the most dramatic moments, including how Ailes allegedly sexually harassed Kelly. “He made sexual comments to me, offers of professional advancement in exchange for sexual favors,” Kelly writes.
Senior says Kelly’s book suggests “[p]arts of Fox — or at the very least, Roger Ailes ... seemed to be nakedly colluding with the Republican presidential nominee.”
According to Senior, the book also recounts a couple of bizarre incidents before the Fox News-hosted presidential debate, including a possible leak of information about Kelly’s planned questions for Trump.
Kelly planned to ask then-candidate Trump a question about his insulting comments about women. “The day before the first presidential debate,” according to Senior, “Mr. Trump was in a lather again, Ms. Kelly writes. He called Fox executives, saying he’d heard that her first question ‘was a very pointed question directed at him.’”
Kelly clarified Thursday night on Twitter that her book doesn’t suggest Trump had the actual debate questions in advance. more

PREZ-ELECT GETS HIS TWITTER BACK : Donald Trump Got His Twitter Back And Immediately Complained About Constitutional Rights The president-elect criticized people protesting his election: “Very unfair!”

11/10/2016 11:05 pm ET 
President-elect Donald Trump, whose aides reportedly wrested control of his Twitter account days before the election, launched his first caustic tweet in weeks Thursday night, suggesting he’s back in charge.
Ten minutes after Trump’s account sent a tweet that called his White House visit with President Barack Obama a “good meeting” with “great chemistry,” he tweeted again, blasting protests that have flared up around the country in response to his presidential victory.
He blamed the media and “professional protesters” for the demonstrations, and seemed to criticize people for exercising their First Amendment rights. “Very unfair!” Hours later, he reversed course, praising the protesters’ “passion” and throwing shade at the size of the groups. more


11/10/2016 by Gardy Stein-Kanjora
After the election: How will Reggae react to President Trump?
For many months, the presidential elections in America have dominated the media worldwide. This cumulated tension was released yesterday with a bang: Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States. Coming out of the state of shock the world is in, the web is abuzz with social commentaries. Already during the campaigns, there were intense discussions about who said what when to whom, and a quick Google search results in dozens of support- or diss-tracks about the opponents. Most of them are Rap or HipHop, some Rock, some Country.

Where is our beloved Reggae in this? Where are the conscious artists that are up to snuff with late-breaking issues around the world? Yes, we have clever minds like Kabaka Pyramid (Well Done), Torch (World Cry) and others, but the genre-characteristic focus on Unity, Ganja and Jah seems to contribute to a certain hesitation when it comes to international political subjects such as the refugee crisis in Europe, death-tolled Oromo-demonstrations in Ethiopia and – yes – the US election. In the Dancehall, on the other hand, prominent representatives like KartelMavadoPopcaan and Alkaline seem to be too absorbed in fighting their feuds to contribute output of global relevance. Remarkable exception in the context of the elections is Perfect Giddimani who constantly perks up his ears to current issues (remember Laugh in 2013?) and who, already back in May, published the hilarious single Dollnald Trummp [WATCH BELOW]. Less known, Rula Brown joined the race with Dump Donald Trump [WATCH HERE] a few weeks ago. New input also came from an unexpected corner: out of Ghana, the Reggae artist Blakk Rasta released a song called Dumb Trump [WATCH HERE] last month, taking a clear stance against the "man with a squirrel on his head".

Whether or not you agree with the opinions expressed in these tracks, this kind of critical reflection is highly welcome, needed even. Will the startling outcome of this vote result in more social commentary songs? Make yourselves be heard, ye singers and players of instruments!

PS: Back in 1993, Bill Clinton invited Steel Pulse to perform at his inauguration celebration. Let's see who will play for Donald Trump… According to a facebook user Etana is an option :)

DIGNITY MEETS DISGRACE : Donald Trump at the White House: Obama reports 'excellent conversation' – live

Donald Trump and Barack Obama meet at the White House

Russia Says It Was In Touch With Trump Campaign During The Election “There were contacts,” Interfax news agency cited Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying. 11/10/2016 08:35 am ET

MOSCOW, Nov 10 (Reuters) - The Russian government was in touch with members of President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign staff during the U.S. election campaign, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency on Thursday.
“There were contacts,” Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying. He did not give details.
When asked whether these contacts would now intensify after Trump’s election victory, Ryabkov said: “These working moments and follow-up on this or that matter will depend on the situation and the questions which face us. But we will of course continue this work after the elections.”
Defeated Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton accused Trump of being a “puppet” of President Vladimir Putin during the campaign, and U.S. officials said Russia had hacked into Democratic party emails, something Moscow denied.
Trump has said he might meet Putin before his inauguration, but Putin’s spokesman has said there are currently no plans for such a meeting.
The Russian parliament erupted in applause on Wednesday when it heard that Trump had been elected and Putin told foreign ambassadors he was ready to fully restore ties with Washington.
Ryabkov was more circumspect in his interview, saying the Russian Foreign Ministry felt no euphoria about the Republican’s win even though it wanted to normalize relations with Washington.
Ryabkov said Trump’s allies had made some tough statements about Russia during the campaign and that his ministry was therefore not harboring any rose-tinted hopes.
“We are not expecting anything in particular from the new U.S. administration,” Interfax cited Ryabkov as saying.

ATTORNEY GENERAL???? Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s Possible Attorney General Pick, Declines To Condemn Call To Assassinate Clinton Instead, he accused the Clinton campaign of inciting violence..... “assassinate that bitch”

11/08/2016 04:09 pm ET
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday declined to condemn a man who called for Hillary Clinton’s assassination and instead accused the Clinton campaign of also causing violence.
Image result for rudy giuliani pictures
Rudy Giuliani Is An Awful Person
MSNBC’s Katy Tur asked Giuliani about a man who screamed “assassinate that bitch” at a Mike Pence rally on Monday. Tur asked Giuliani why violence seemed to be commonplace at Trump rallies. Giuliani, who is reportedly being considered for attorney general in a Trump administration, didn’t really have an answer. Instead, he said, “because you see the same thing at Hillary Clinton rallies.”
“That’s not fair. I was in Colorado, in Denver, the day after they threw a rock through the headquarters,” Giuliani continued. Tur, who has been covering the 2016 presidential campaign since the beginning, quickly noted that she had never heard someone calling for Trump’s assassination at a Clinton rally.
“They threw a rock through the window of Trump headquarters ― had you not interrupted me, I’d finish the sentence ― almost hit a little boy that I met Saturday morning who was still traumatized by it,” Giuliani said. “The guy was arrested, the guy was a Hillary Clinton supporter.”
Giuliani was referring to an incident on Sunday in which a man threw a rock through the campaign’s Denver headquarters while 20 volunteers were inside. Denver police arrested 34-year-old Michael Ferrara in connection with the incident. The man’s political affiliations are unclear.
Giuliani also accused the Clinton campaign of paying people to incite violence at a March Trump rally in Chicago. PolitiFact has raised skepticism about that claim.
The former New York mayor also said he expected Trump to concede graciously if he lost, unless he felt the election was unfair. more

GO HILLARY, YOU ARE A WINNER : Hillary Clinton Gets Boost From FBI News As Race Hits Final Day Both Clinton and Donald Trump will spend the day racing across a handful of battleground states that could swing Tuesday’s election.

By John Whitesides  11/07/2016 08:26 am ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton heads into the final day of a tight White House race against Republican Donald Trump on Monday with new momentum after the FBI said no criminal charges were forthcoming in an investigation of her email practices.
U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton
speaks during a campaign rally in Cleveland Ohio
U.S., November 6, 2016. (REUTERS/Carlos Barria)
Both Clinton and Trump will spend the day racing across a handful of battleground states that could swing Tuesday’s election, which polls show is close but tilting toward Clinton.
FBI Director James Comey again sent shockwaves through the race by telling Congress on Sunday that investigators had worked around the clock to complete a review of newly discovered emails and found no reason to change their July finding that Clinton was not guilty of criminal wrongdoing in her use of a private email server while secretary of state.
It was uncertain whether the announcement came in time to change voters’ minds or undo any damage from days of Republican attacks on Clinton as corrupt. Tens of millions of Americans had cast early votes in the 10 days since Comey first told Congress of the newly discovered emails.
“Nothing’s going to change between today and tomorrow to help [Clinton] win back” undecided voters,” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
Trump, who has not said whether he will respect the results of Tuesday’s election, questioned the thoroughness of the FBI review and said the issue would not go away.
Clinton did not mention the FBI finding during her last two campaign events on Sunday.
“That’s behind us now,” campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN on Monday.
On Monday, Trump will hit five battleground states - Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Michigan - and close with a late-night rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Clinton will make two stops in Pennsylvania and visit Michigan before wrapping up with a midnight rally in Raleigh, North Carolina. She will appear at an evening rally at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall with President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, as well as rock star Bruce Springsteen.
Clinton’s Democratic allies hoped the FBI finding would be enough to push her over the finish line and end the uncertainty and Republican attacks on her character that have dogged her campaign since Comey made the new emails public on Oct. 28.
“The FBI’s swift and thorough review should finally close the door on this Republican sideshow,” House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said, adding the election would now be decided “on the merits of the candidates” rather than innuendo. more

HILLARY HEATS UP POLLING BETTER THAN OBAMA AT SAME TIME IN ‘08.....THE FINAL DAYS: Clinton Makes Last-Minute Campaign Stops... Goes After The Dad Vote During Sunday Night Football... Latino Vote Surges As Immigrants Panic... Could Seal GOP’s Fate... HUFFPOLLSTER: Hillary With A 5-Point Lead... 98% Chance Of A Clinton Win...

Hillary Clinton has consistently led in a greater portion of presidential polls in the two months heading into Election Day than President Barack Obama did in both 2008 and 2012. 
Hillary Clinton
The Democratic nominee is ahead of GOP nominee Donald Trump in 93 percent of polls conducted in the two months before Election Day. Trump leads in just 3 percent of the polls. Another 3 percent of polls show a tied race. 
The ratio of the surveys she leads in is slightly less when polls with third-party candidates are analyzed.
Overall, these statistics reflect a greater level of certainty of Clinton’s position as the leader than was present for Obama in 2008 and 2012. Obama led in 83 percent of polls against Sen. John McCain, who led in 11 percent, in 2008. The 2012 race was closer and that uncertainty was reflected in the lower ratio of polls Obama led to former Gov. Mitt Romney: 62 percent to 26 percent. more

COVERING THE COURST IN JAMAICA: Woman beats man for allegedly getting oral sex

A woman who reportedly broke into the premises of the father of her child and injured him with a knife and a bottle after she allegedly saw a woman performing oral sex on him is to be sentenced in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court on January 26, 2017.
The court heard that Tamara Brown, 34, of Franklin Town in Kingston, used a knife to cut the complainant on his hand thrice and also used a Stone’s ginger wine bottle to hit him in his forehead.
The court heard that on October 14, about 10:30 pm, the 58-year-old complainant was inside his sleeping quarter at a golden age home, where he works as an administrator, when Brown came there and threw stones at the house, hitting out a louvre.
Brown then pushed her hand through the window and opened the door. She then went inside the house and attacked the complainant, who later reported the matter to the police.When Brown was cautioned, she reportedly said: “Officer, mi go a mi baby fada yard and see a woman a s... him h... so me use a stone and beat the window and use me hand and open the door and go in.”
Last Thursday when Brown appeared in court she pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding, but claimed that the complainant had also assaulted her.
“Him hit me in my head with a heavy iron,” she told Parish Judge Andrea Collins before denying breaking into the complainant’s premises.
“So how did you get inside?” Judge Collins, asked.
“ Maam, after him open the door,” she replied, but the judge told her that that she did not have to go inside as he did not invite her inside.
“After him open the door a girl came out,” Brown added, which prompted the judge to ask her if she and the complainant were still involved, to which she replied ‘no’.
“So why is that your business if a girl come out of his house? You shouldn’t even bother to mention it,” Judge Collins told Brown. more

THE POPE DUMP TRUMP ? : Here’s A Reminder That Even The Pope Doesn’t Like Donald Trump Congratulations, Donald! You are still officially the worst..... The danger of building walls to keep people out and “false prophets that exploit fear and hopelessness to sell magical formulas of hate and cruelty.”

 11/05/2016 04:47 pm ET Excerpt from Huffingtonpost
If you’ve ever wondered how terrible a person must be to get the pope to condemn them, look no further than GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.
At the World Meeting of Popular Movements at the Vatican on Saturday, Pope Francis spoke about the danger of building walls to keep people out and “false prophets that exploit fear and hopelessness to sell magical formulas of hate and cruelty.” 
Sound familiar?Francis never uttered Trump’s name, and, as The Atlantic points out, his comments could generally apply to other leaders. But it’s hard not to think of Trump himself when the pope talks about walls. 
Pope Francis attends an audience with representatives of the popular
 movements at the Vatican Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016.
 (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
“No tyranny can be sustained without exploiting our fears. This is clear,” Francis said at the event, speaking in Spanish. “All tyranny is terrorist. And when that terror, ignited in the peripheries with massacres, looting, oppression and injustice, explodes in the centers in the form of violence, including with hateful and cowardly intent, the citizens who still have some rights are tempted by the false security of walls, physical or social — walls that close some in and banish others.”
In the past, Francis has been a little more blunt with his thoughts:
“A person who only thinks about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis told reporters in February.
In response to the criticism at the time, Trump called the holy man “disgraceful” and accused Mexico of using him as a pawn. 
Editor’s Note: Donald Trump is a serial liarrampant xenophoberacistmisogynist,birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S. 

CHINESE SHUN JAMAICA: Asian people say crime, racism make them feel left out of society.....In fact, according to Andy Au, a Chinese Jamaican, several members of the Asian community have closed their businesses, packed their bags and left Jamaica.

BY JEDIAEL CARTER Staff reporter carterj@jamaicaobserver.com  Sunday, November 06, 2016 

Between racism, crime and a sense of discomfort, the plight of the Chinese immigrant has been disheartening to the minority group in Jamaica.
In fact, according to Andy Au, a Chinese Jamaican, several members of the Asian community have closed their businesses, packed their bags and left Jamaica.
This comes despite what is seen islandwide as a growth in businesses operated by Asian nationals, mainly those from China, in recent years.
“I left my business with my parents, which they are still running. But apart from my own, I know of at least four groups of families that have sold their businesses and left the country and went back to different parts of Asia and United States,” Au, who has since moved, temporarily, to Australia, revealed. He suggested that it was unlikely that he would return to Jamaica. “While some of the other businesses are still operating, they are also investing and making migration plans in an effort to make a connection or bridge, so that they can have an easy retreat and a place to settle down when the time comes,” Au said.
According to Au, the Chinese community is heavily targeted by criminals, which is crippling to business. As a business operator, he said he felt “trapped in a jail cell, worried about outside troubles as well as inside troubles”.
“It is true that we get robbed very often, [held at] gunpoint, [involved in] hostage situations and get tied up at home. We actually had a meeting with the Chinese community and a JCF (Jamaica Constabulary Force) superintendent relating to the crime problems, and we were on the verge of closing down all the businesses in Jamaica and leave because it was getting way out of hand,” Au, who lived in Jamaica for over two decades, stated in an e-mail.
Noting the veracity of the article published in the Jamaica Observer on October 23 titled ‘Don’t call us Chiney’, Au sought to shed light on how the difference between the Jamaican and Chinese cultures impacts relations.
He explained that, unlike Jamaicans who are outgoing, the Chinese tend to be more conservative, hence the reason they resort to sticking together.
“I think people need to understand the cultural difference between Chinese in Jamaica and locals. Like I see it, all Chinese are more conservative in different ways, like with language, especially in a public setting with people they don’t know. But Jamaicans are generally more outgoing, outspoken and enthusiastic people that are just too much and, quite frankly sometimes, make a bad first impression,” he said.
“Another cultural difference is that it’s more respectable to acknowledge people in Asian cultures, and you see it more defined in Japanese cultures, with their family names. So when you constantly call Chinese people Chiney or Mr/Miss Chin and it’s not their actual last name, it’s really annoying and disrespectful,” the expatriate continued. more

Pastor Thompson (Papa San) winning souls for Christ in Florida....Papa San has delivered seven awesome gospel albums — all of them making it in the top 10 on the Billboard charts.... Former secular deejay reveals how he burnt trophies, awards when Christianity beckoned

BY MARK CUMMINGS Editor-at-Large cummingsm@jamaicaobserver.com  Sunday, November 06, 2016     

FORT LAUDERDALE, USA — From the 1980’s to early 1997, Tyrone Thompson, better known as “Papa San”, ruled the dancehall with his fast-talking catchy lyrics, much to the approval of his ever increasing fan base.
Papa San Blesses Offering at Service
Almost 20 years later, the talented artiste, who had prior recorded 20 secular albums, is still a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, as he uses his talent to win souls for Christ.
Continuing on the path of success from his years as a secular artiste, since his conversion to Christianity, Papa San has delivered seven awesome gospel albums — all of them making it in the top 10 on the Billboard charts — and has founded a church: Our Father’s Kingdom Ministries International now located at 8350-52 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Sunrise, Florida.
In fact, his latest album, Journey, which was released earlier this year, entered the Billboard charts in the number seven position. Since becoming a Christian also, the energetic lyricist has collaborated with several local and international gospel artistes, including Kirk Franklin, Toby Mac, Percy Bady, Chevelle Franklin, Natalie Wilson, Fred Hammond, Carlene Davis, Trey Lawrence and Da Truth, many of whom he has shared the stage with across the globe.
A 12-time Marlin Award winner, Papa San’s efforts have also earned him the GMWA award and Stellar award, as well as nominations for the Soul Train and Dove awards.
Last Sunday Pastor Thompson, as he is called at church, delivered a powerful soul-searching message at his church as he urged the congregation “not to take persons at face value, but rather to examine the process they have undergone to get where they are”.
Using himself as an example, during the service on Sunday which was celebrated as ‘Pastors’ Appreciation Day’, Pastor Thompson highlighted some of the challenges that he encountered after he took the bold step to become a follower of Christ.
Papa San
“It was not easy…. I was criticised, I was lied on. I was talked behind people’s back…. there were times when I wondered what I was going to do, but I trusted God and He showed up. My God never fails. He is a good God,” Pastor Thompson told the congregation, adding that he has since signed many contracts and received numerous awards. Prior to his conversion to Christianity in late 1997, Papa San was a much sought after deejay, belting out catchy lyrics across the length and breadth of Jamaica on sound systems, while recording a number of entertaining songs, many of which dominated the airwaves locally and internationally.
At least 17 of those songs — including Animal PartyStyle and FashionMy Name is Daddy San, Legal Rights, Round Table Talk, Strange, and Maddy, Maddy Cry — from the 20 secular albums he had recorded topped the local reggae charts, earning for him millions of dollars and scores of awards, including several Deejay of the Year titles, Most Versatile Deejay, Best Dressed Deejay, and Best Video. more