HILLARY HEATS UP POLLING BETTER THAN OBAMA AT SAME TIME IN ‘08.....THE FINAL DAYS: Clinton Makes Last-Minute Campaign Stops... Goes After The Dad Vote During Sunday Night Football... Latino Vote Surges As Immigrants Panic... Could Seal GOP’s Fate... HUFFPOLLSTER: Hillary With A 5-Point Lead... 98% Chance Of A Clinton Win...

Hillary Clinton has consistently led in a greater portion of presidential polls in the two months heading into Election Day than President Barack Obama did in both 2008 and 2012. 
Hillary Clinton
The Democratic nominee is ahead of GOP nominee Donald Trump in 93 percent of polls conducted in the two months before Election Day. Trump leads in just 3 percent of the polls. Another 3 percent of polls show a tied race. 
The ratio of the surveys she leads in is slightly less when polls with third-party candidates are analyzed.
Overall, these statistics reflect a greater level of certainty of Clinton’s position as the leader than was present for Obama in 2008 and 2012. Obama led in 83 percent of polls against Sen. John McCain, who led in 11 percent, in 2008. The 2012 race was closer and that uncertainty was reflected in the lower ratio of polls Obama led to former Gov. Mitt Romney: 62 percent to 26 percent. more

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