PREZ-ELECT GETS HIS TWITTER BACK : Donald Trump Got His Twitter Back And Immediately Complained About Constitutional Rights The president-elect criticized people protesting his election: “Very unfair!”

11/10/2016 11:05 pm ET 
President-elect Donald Trump, whose aides reportedly wrested control of his Twitter account days before the election, launched his first caustic tweet in weeks Thursday night, suggesting he’s back in charge.
Ten minutes after Trump’s account sent a tweet that called his White House visit with President Barack Obama a “good meeting” with “great chemistry,” he tweeted again, blasting protests that have flared up around the country in response to his presidential victory.
He blamed the media and “professional protesters” for the demonstrations, and seemed to criticize people for exercising their First Amendment rights. “Very unfair!” Hours later, he reversed course, praising the protesters’ “passion” and throwing shade at the size of the groups. more

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