NYT Review Of Megyn Kelly’s New Book Details Shady Trump And Ailes Behavior....her relationship with disgraced former CEO Roger Ailes and the network’s coziness with President-elect Donald Trump.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly’s new book, Settle For More, has promised to be a revealing look into the inner workings of Fox News, her relationship with disgraced former CEO Roger Ailes and the network’s coziness with President-elect Donald Trump.
Fox News host Megyn Kelly
But a new piece in the New York Times Book Review blows all that anticipation out of the water. In the book review, Times book critic Jennifer Senior recalls some of the most dramatic moments, including how Ailes allegedly sexually harassed Kelly. “He made sexual comments to me, offers of professional advancement in exchange for sexual favors,” Kelly writes.
Senior says Kelly’s book suggests “[p]arts of Fox — or at the very least, Roger Ailes ... seemed to be nakedly colluding with the Republican presidential nominee.”
According to Senior, the book also recounts a couple of bizarre incidents before the Fox News-hosted presidential debate, including a possible leak of information about Kelly’s planned questions for Trump.
Kelly planned to ask then-candidate Trump a question about his insulting comments about women. “The day before the first presidential debate,” according to Senior, “Mr. Trump was in a lather again, Ms. Kelly writes. He called Fox executives, saying he’d heard that her first question ‘was a very pointed question directed at him.’”
Kelly clarified Thursday night on Twitter that her book doesn’t suggest Trump had the actual debate questions in advance. more

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