MANY of us would have experienced even one of those hellfire sermons at some point in our lives, where the preaching is to repent, or face eternal damnation. They've been used as fodder to draw souls to the altar for ages, and charismatic preachers in particular will make sinners feel that it's a 'come now or face damnation' matter.
Below readers share some of the moments in church when their sins, or perceived sins, were laid bare by the pastor for everyone to hear.
Michelle, 46:
I'm a Christian now but back then, in my 20s, I was a hard party girl. But I would go to church anyway, because I grew up in the church. It was also a time when I didn't realise what appropriate attire was. Well, there was a Mennonite church near to my house and one Sunday I decided to visit. Sure, the dress was a little too short and the make-up too heavy, but that didn't give the preacher authority to criticise. As soon as I walked in, he stopped what he was doing and lamented, 'The devil is in the church!' Everyone turned around to look at me, walking up the aisle.
Rochelle, 24:
I had just started working, but I didn't give tithes for about two months. The third month into my job, the pastor said, 'When some of us never had the job, we used to fast and pray. Now we're feasting and not giving God his share'. The lady beside me kept glancing at me and nodding, with her lips set in a duck-face position. more
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