(FOLLOW UP STORY): Digicel, KingAlarm come to rescue of Correta Vincent, woman whose wheelchair was stolen at gun point on Spanish Town Road, on Tuesday .... Police say robbery never reported

BY KIMMO MATTHEWS Observer staff reporter matthewsk@jamaicaobserver.com  Thursday, October 09, 2014  
THE physically challenged woman who was robbed of her wheelchair at gunpoint on Spanish Town Road, on Tuesday, can finally smile again after telecommunications company Digicel yesterday presented her with a spanking-new motorised scooter.
KingAlarm has also committed to providing security for her in order to prevent a recurrence of the horrifying ordeal.
Physically challenged Correta Vincent is overcome with joy
 as she embraces programme manager for special needs
 at Digicel Foundation Judene Hunter after the organisation
 replaced her motorised chair, which was stolen by gunmen
 on Spanish Town Road on Tuesday.
The organisations stepped in to help after the Jamaica Observer highlighted the plight of Correta Vincent, who said she was on her way downtown Kingston to purchase goods for the small stall she operates when she was held at gunpoint by men who alighted from a vehicle. They took her from the chair and left her on the sidewalk in the vicinity of the May Pen Cemetery. She was eventually rescued by a handcart operator who transported her downtown.
Yesterday, an obviously elated Vincent was presented with the fully motorised chair by representatives of Digicel Foundation at the offices of Independent Living, Kingston, a facility which supplies items such as power chairs, mobility aids, bath safety devices and semi-electric beds to members of the disabled community.
Programme manager for special needs at Digicel Foundation Judene Hunter said the decision to provide the chair for the 37-year-old mother was made immediately after reading the story.
"Digicel continues to be a major advocate for the special needs community, as officials of the organisation believe that it was an area that deserved much more attention," said Hunter. more


  1. Big up Digicel.....at last they've done something right!

  2. Well done KingAlarm for providing the wheelchair and I hope it has the loudest anti-theft alarm ever!
