Kevin Waldrum, UK Man, Billed For $140,000 Worth Of Phone Sex After Bad Breakup (VIDEO)

Love hurts, but so does a $140,000 phone bill.
Mr Waldrum holding a letter from Vodafone regarding his bill, which the company have reduced by over half as a gesture of goodwill Kevin Waldrum, a 45-year-old man from the United Kingdom, is learning that the hard way after a rough breakup led to two months of nearly continuous calls to Studio 66 TV, a premium adult chat line. Waldrum was slapped with the phone billafter apparently becoming addicted to the $3-per-minute service, according to a BPM Media report provided to the Huffington Post UK.
Waldrum acknowledges he's responsible for calling the service incessantly for two months in 2012, but says he believes the company should have cut him off before the bills skyrocketed. After a nearly $30,000 bill arrived, Waldrum paid no attention and kept calling. He also ordered a replacement SIM card after his cell carrier, Vodafone, cut him off, company representative Libby Pritchard told The Huffington Post in an email DAILY CALLER.... READ More...

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