SUCCESS STORY: Yemalla Edwards From Brokenness To Total Happiness

Published:Saturday | January 13, 2018 Cecelia Campbell Livingston/Gleaner Writer
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Yemalla Edwards and his fiancée Janel Kimberly Stewart
who he met on Facebook in 2015.
Soon-to-be-doctor Yemalla Edwards has faced a lot of challenges in his young life. While in his first year as a medical student at the University of the West Indies, he had to deal with 'sleeping around on campus' as he could not afford to travel back and forth from his home in McCooks Pen, St Catherine.
Yemalla Edwards 4-Time PALAS
 Recipient in Atlanta, Georgia
Peace and Love Academic Scholarship (PALAS) founder Ruel 'Rula' Brown found out about his struggles and has been in his corner ever since.
Just when his life has been coming together and he on his final stretch of being a full-fledged doctor, he lost his mother, who was one of his biggest supporters.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting
Yemalla Edwards and his fiancée Janel
 Kimberly Stewart who he met
on Facebook in 2015.
But in the midst of his pain, there came sunlight through the love of his life his fiancee Janel Kimberly Stewart whom he met on Facebook in 2015.
"We first made contact through Facebook in September after she saw the story CVM did covering my journey from where I started to where I was currently. She shared the story and sent me a message to say that the video was very inspirational and that one shouldn't give up on their dreams and aspirations in life," he said. Edwards thanked her and wished her all the best. That conversation became an extended one.
Soon Edwards was balancing his studies and a blossoming long- distance friendship from England, which turned out to be a blessing as he said with the five-hour gap he didn't have to compromise any studying time. more

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