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SYDNEY, Australia : Jamaica's Chris Gayle wins Australia masseuse court case which claimed he exposed his genitals to a massage therapist.

Image result for chris gayle pic
Chris Gayle
Monday, October 30, 2017
SYDNEY, Australia (AFP) — West Indies cricket star Chris Gayle Monday won a defamation case against an Australian media group which claimed he exposed his genitals to a massage therapist.

The lurid accusations were made by Fairfax Media newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Canberra Times in a series of stories in January last year.

They claimed the all-rounder exposed himself to team masseuse Leanne Russell in a dressing room at the 2015 World Cup in Sydney and "indecently propositioned" her.

Gayle denied the allegations, saying the journalists behind the story wanted to "destroy him". 

His teammate Dwayne Smith, who was in the changing room at the time, also denied the incident took place.
A NSW Supreme Court jury ruled in Gayle's favour, finding Fairfax was motivated by malice.
The media group had defended the articles on the basis the allegations were substantially true and in the public interest. more

RUSSIA PROBE : Paul Manafort will turn himself in to FBI today to face charges against him. Manafort was Trump's manager during the campaign.

Washington (CNN)Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is turning himself in Monday to Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.
Paul Manafort, campaign manager for Presumptive 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump, speaks during a Bloomberg Politics interview on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., on Monday, July 18, 2016. Protests at the Republican National Convention will show "lawlessness" and "lack of respect" for political discourse, Manafort said. Photographer: Patrick Fallon/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Paul Manafort
Manafort was indicted under seal on Friday and is planning to turn himself in, the source said.
The indictment is expected to be unsealed later Monday. The extent of the charges was not immediately known.
    The indictment of a top official from President Donald Trump's campaign signals a dramatic new phase of Mueller's wide-ranging investigation into possible collusion between the Russian government and members of Trump's team as well as potential obstruction of justice and financial crimes. more

    IN JAMAICA: NO SCHOOL IN 2 MONTHS... Wheelchair-bound Hanover student, Britannia Stephenson suffers because there is no ramp at institution

    BY MARK CUMMINGS Editor-at-Large Western Bureau cummingsm@jamaica.com  Sunday, October 29, 2017

    NEW MILNS, Hanover — The absence of a wheelchair ramp at Hopewell High School in Hanover has prevented 13-year-old Britannia Stephenson, who has been diagnosed with encephalopathy, from starting classes in September at the school where she was placed following her sitting of this year's Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).
    Britannia Stephenson relaxes at her New Milns, Hanover,
     home in her wheelchair. (Photo: Philp Lemonte) 
    A seemingly frustrated Cecilia Hill, the mother of young Britannia — who has not walked since birth — said that her daughter, who graduated from Watford Hill Primary School in Woodlands, Hanover, in June, is still at home in the New Milns community, nearly two months into the academic year, waiting anxiously to start school.
    “She is at home getting mad and frustrated. She is stressed out and getting angry because she wants to go to school. She would feel more relaxed and comfortable at school than sitting at home all day,” Hill told the Jamaica Observer. more

    61-y-o Jamaican, Paulette Wilson misses deportation after 50 years in UK Friday,

    Paulette Wilson (Photo: BBC.com)
    October 27, 2017

    KINGSTON, Jamaica — A 61-year-old Jamaican woman who was under threat of deportation from the United Kingdom was this week released from an immigration removal centre.

    Paulette Wilson, who has lived in the UK for nearly 50 years, was forced to spend a week at the Yarl's Wood centre after receiving a letter in 2015 "out of the blue" saying she had "no right" to be in the country.

    According to media reports, Wilson was told she had to register each month and it was while reporting to immigration officials there on October 18 that she was detained.

    Her solicitor, James Wilson, said evidence had been supplied to the government that she had been in the country prior to 1973 as regulations state that anyone who settled in the UK by January 1, 1973 has the right to remain in the country. more

    More Than 900 Post-Hurricane Deaths In Puerto Rico Won’t Be Physically Examined We might never know how many of those people died due to the hurricane, or how high the death toll really is.

    Image result for puerto rico hurricane picturesBy Carolina Moreno and Hilary Hanson 10/29/17
    More than 900 bodies have been authorized for cremation in Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria ravaged the island on Sept. 20, the U.S. territory’s Department of Public Safety confirmed to HuffPost Saturday. Medical examiners overseeing the process do not appear to have conducted physical examinations of the bodies.
    BuzzFeed News was the first to report on the staggering number of unexamined deaths, noting that because the bodies were burned, no one will ever know how many of those deaths were related to the hurricane.
    Image result for puerto rico hurricane picturesIn a statement sent to HuffPost by Puerto Rico’s Department of Public Safety, Secretary Héctor Pesquera said the Institute of Forensic Sciences ― an agency of Puerto Rico’s government in charge of certifying deaths related to the hurricane ― has authorized 911 cremations after reviewing medical records. more