NEW EMAIL PROBE MARKETS DIVE : FBI: New Emails Discovered... ‘Cannot Yet Assess Whether Or Not This Material May Be Significant’... 11 Days ‘Til Election... Seth Meyers Perfectly Explains

WASHINGTON ― The FBI announced on Friday that it is reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of sensitive government information.
In a letter to members of Congress, FBI Director James Comey said the FBI, “in connection to an unrelated case” had learned of email that “appear to be pertinent to the investigation.” 
FBI Director Comey, in letter to members of Congress, says FBI is investigating additional emails in Clinton private server case
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LISTEN TO THESE DESPICABLE SEXIST MEN : Cable News Has A Terrible Sexism Problem And what Newt Gingrich said to Megyn Kelly this week is just the latest example.

DALE ‘Dizzle’ VIRGO (IN JAMAICA) : DizTroy creates new sounds....AFTER working with a number of high-profile acts such as Rihanna (on Crazy Little Thing Called Love)

BY SIMONE MORGAN-LINDO Observer reporter  Thursday, October 27, 2016  
AFTER working with a number of high-profile acts such as Rihanna (on Crazy Little Thing Called Love), British band Florence and The Machine and Canadian rapper Drake, Dale ‘Dizzle’ Virgo has joined with British producer Troy Baker to form the production team, DizTroy.
Dale Virgo With Guitar
“We are bringing about a new sound. We are fusioning rap music with dancehall and other genres to give off an international appeal. I am Jamaican and Troy is from the UK, but he is very in tune with dancehall/ reggae music,” Virgo told the Jamaica Observer.
“We are doing it all Jamaican and the aim is to push the element that makes dancehall music famous,” he continued. Virgo said he and Baker first worked together in 2012 at Gee Jam studios in Portland, but recently formalised their partnership.
“Duo production is not so popular here in Jamaica as it is in the UK and USA, so we want to just bring something fresh to the table.” he said. Early this month, DizTroy released a self-titled sixtrack EP titled DizTroy featuring Mystic Davis. Released by the Gee Jam label, the ‘out of the box’ set comprises Gal Wine, Your Love, Bout Yah, Twerk Like Mystic, 30 Bad Bitches and Mystic Stings.
Virgo said DizTroy is also working with several acts including Versatile, Agent Sasco, Chronixx and Devin Di Dakta. A self-taught engineer, Virgo started as a gospel producer.
His breakthrough, however, came in the secular field. He created the beat for Gyptian’s 2004 hit song Serious Times, which opened the door for Virgo to work with other dancehall artistes like Queen Ifrica, D’Angel and Ce’Cile.opean labels. more

BIG PAYDAY SPEECHES FOR BIG WIGS : Bush about $15 million in Dubya, Reagan took heat for accepting $2 million for two speeches in Japan. Bill Clinton took $65 million in speaking fees from 2001 to 2009, Hillary Clinton $7.5 million from 36 speeches in 2009 alone...Donald Trump Got for another 17 seminars in 2006 and 2007 for $1.5 million each.

Excerpt taken from Daily Beast Article

Oct 27, 2016

George W. Bush said after bin Laden's killing that he wanted to stay out of the public eye. But Peter H. Stone says he's becoming a high-profile figure on the buck-raking circuit.
George W. Bush said after bin Laden’s killing that he wanted to stay out of the public eye. But Peter H. Stone of the Center for Public Integrity's iWatch News says 43's becoming a high-profile figure on the buck-raking circuit.
Image result for george bush pictures
George Bush
When George W. Bush declined President Obama’s invitation to a ceremony at New York’s ground zero after Osama bin Laden was killed, the former president cited his desire to keep a low public profile.
Image result for bill clinton pictures
Bill Clinton
But Bush has been raising his profile in a different, and lucrative, way: He has raked in millions of dollars since leaving office by making scores of speeches that typically earn him six figures a pop.
In the week after Obama’s May 5 ground zero event, the 43rd president made time for three separate speeches to hedge-fund executives, a Swiss bank sanctioned for keeping secret bank accounts, and a pro golf event underwritten by the accounting firm involved in the Tyco International financial scandal.
Bush’s standard speaking fee is reportedly between $100,000 and $150,000.
Image result for trump picture
Donald Trump
Image result for ronald reagan pictures
Ronald Reagan
David Sherzer, a spokesman for the former president, said that since Bush left office he has delivered nearly 140 paid talks, at home and abroad. Those speeches have earned Bush about $15 million, following in the golden path blazed by his predecessor, Bill Clinton.
Almost all of Bush’s speeches are closed to the press. Bush uses the Washington Speakers Bureau to arrange his paid speaking gigs.
To some presidential historians, Bush’s numerous high-priced speaking engagements don’t sit well. “I find it puzzling,” said Stanford University historian Robert Dallek. “He says he wants to keep a low profile. What is he doing except enriching himself? It sounds like it’s self-serving. It’s following the good old American adage to make as much as you can.” The Donald for another 17 seminars in 2006 and 2007 for $1.5 million each.   more

BREAKING: GOP Announces IMMEDIATE Impeachment Of Hillary Clinton After Election By Olive Murphy - October 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton
As we near November 8th, with each passing day it seems more and more likely that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will become the nation’s new commander-in-chief. But a new report from NBC shows that the honeymoon phase likely won’t last long, if the GOP has any say. 

The continuous hacked email releases from WikiLeaks and allegations about the Clinton Foundation have resulted in House Republicans demanding that a special prosecutor investigate the foundation for a series of possible conflicts of interest. Texas Senator and former 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz has also called for a criminal investigation into Democratic consultant Robert Creamer after undercover videos showed he played a part in hiring protesters to disrupt Trump campaign rallies. more

DOG GAWN SHAME : Health Ministry could investigate alleged sale of dog meat.... at least one Chinese restaurant in Jamaica is serving up dog meat.

by Akino Ming October 26, 2016
The Ministry of Health said yesterday that it is prepared to launch an investigation into whether Chinese restaurants are serving dog meat.
In this 2015 photo, a man lights a cigarette as a
 cook roasts dogs at a restaurant in Yulin in south
 China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Jamaica's health ministry said it could launch in
 investigation into claims that dog meat is
being seved in Jamaican restaurants
Lundie Richards, who is acting as the country's chief medical officer, made the revelation yesterday, days after a message emerged on social media of claims that at least one Chinese restaurant in Jamaica is serving up dog meat.
"I personally don't believe that we should make a pronouncement on it without doing an investigation," Richards said.
He told THE STAR that a team of health officials will have discussions about the issue before determining the next step.
"If there are sufficient reasons for us to launch an investigation, then we will do that," Richards added.
The social media message, which has sent tongues wagging across Jamaica, contains an image of a skinned, unseasoned animal, resembling a dog, in an metal bowl. 

dicing and spicing

A person who has an in-depth understanding of public health told THE STAR that while the allegations of Chinese restaurants dicing and spicing man's best friend is not far-fetched, it is very hard to verify.
"The public health officers would have to be there at the point where they are preparing," the person said.
The health expert said that if the allegations are true, the sale of dog meat could pose danger to the health of Jamaicans because there are no guarantees that the animals being slaughtered are free of diseases.
Under Jamaica's Public Health Act, the slaughter of animals or poultry for human consumption is monitored by the health authorities.
Damion Chin, president of the Chinese Benevolent Association, said that allegations is not good for business.
"I remember sometime in the 90s there was an allegation about a business and it ruined the business," Chin said.
"I haven't heard about it, but it can't be good for business," he added.

CON ARTIST: DONOR DOLLARS FUNNELED TOWARD DON’S BOOKS! Trump’s Donors Paid For His Jetliner, His Hotels And Now, His Books Nearly $300,000 of small donations went to “Art of the Deal” publisher. 10/24/2016 08:00 pm ET

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump used small donors’ money to buy nearly $300,000 worth of books from the publisher of his Art of the Deal last month, continuing a pattern of plowing campaign money back into his own businesses.
The Oct. 15 Federal Election Commission filing for Trump Make America Great Again Committee does not specify which books in particular were purchased, but the committee’s own website suggests it was Trump’s 1987 business bestseller.
“I’ve signed an out-of-print, hardcover copy of ‘The Art of the Deal’ just for you, because I want you on board with Team Trump!” Trump wrote in an Aug. 2 fundraising email, which went on to offer the book for a minimum donation of $184.
Trump’s statement calling the book “out-of-print,” repeated on the committee’s website, however, is false. The Art of the Deal had a new paperback edition printed last October, and the hardcover is currently in print and available from Random House and retail booksellers. Barnes and Noble, for example, sells it for $22.35. The Trump Make America Great Again Committee is a joint fundraising operation between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee. An RNC spokeswoman referred a question about the books to the Trump campaign, which did not return phone calls and emails requesting comment over a period of days. Random House representatives also did not respond to Huffington Post queries.
While a second joint Trump-RNC committee concentrates on large contributions, the Trump Make America Great Again Committee focuses on small-dollar donations using online and direct-mail fundraising. As of Sept. 30, 77 percent of all the money it raised came from donors who have given less than $200.
According to the committee’s Oct. 15 FEC filing, it paid Penguin/Random House $91,866 on Aug. 30, $98,975 on Sept. 1, and another $98,975 on Sept. 22. The purpose for all three was listed as: “Collateral: Books.” more

NOT GUILTY (IN JAMAICA) : Khajeel Mais’ sister disappointed, but not surprised at not-guilty verdict in X6 murder trial Disheartened!

BY TANESHA MUNDLE Observer staff reporter  Tuesday, October 25, 2016    

Kimberly Mais said she was not surprised that the man accused of killing her brother, Khajeel, was yesterday freed in what became known as the X6 murder trial. However, she admitted that she was “really disheartened and disappointed”.
“All I can say, I am not surprised, I am not shocked, but I am disappointed. I am living in Jamaica and the justice system needs to be revamped, it is something that [Justice] Minister [Delroy] Chuck needs to look at; he needs to make some changes,” she told the
Jamaica Observer yesterday when contacted following the ruling.
Businessman Patrick Powell leaves the Supreme Court
 in downtown Kingston yesterday after he was freed in
 the X6 murder case. (Photo: Lionel Rookwood)
“We didn’t get justice here on Earth, but we will get it on that day,” Mais added. According to the outspoken Mais, she fully supports a call made by former Deputy Commissioner of Police Mark Shields for the police to digitally record the statements of key witnesses in high-profile cases to prevent them from recanting.
“It is very disheartening because there were a lot of lies told on the stand; the taxi driver does know my brother, and he does know my family, hence the reason why my brother did go into this taxi,” she said in reference to the testimony given by key witness Wayne Wright, who had denied knowing Mais and his family.
But despite the unfavourable outcome of the case, Mais said she has not given up on the justice system as she is very patriotic and wants to be part of the change. However, she is eager for the process of change to begin.
The disappointment was, however, too much for her parents, Alaina and Noel Mais, to handle as they left the Home Circuit Court in downtown Kingston without speaking to reporters.
The mother, with a look of dejection, shook her head when asked for a comment, while her husband’s only words were: “Call us in about two weeks.”
MAIS.... shot dead in a taxi in 2011
Front cover of today's paperThe St Andrew businessman, Patrick Powell, 59, who was fingered in the 2011 murder of 17-year-old Khajeel Mais, was freed yesterday after the seven-member jury was directed by Justice Lloyd Hibbert to return a not-guilty verdict on murder and shooting with intent charges.
The prosecution, led by Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Jeremy Taylor, contended that on the night of the incident Mais was travelling in a taxi, which collided with a BMW X6 motor vehicle on Highland Drive in Havendale. It is alleged that the driver of the BMW, whom the prosecution claimed was Powell, got out and fired at the taxi, hitting the boy. more

China just showcased the world's most human-like robots, and they show how close we’re coming to Westworld reality

The world's most human-like robots have been unveiled in China and the resemblance is uncanny.
They were developed by China's University of Science and Technology and were showcased at the World Robot Conference in Beijing.
One of the robots, called Jiajia, can talk with you, recognise faces, identify the gender and age of people, and detect your facial expressions.
Produced by Leon Siciliano

New York Times publishes 2-page spread of Trump Twitter insults

Colin Campbell 
The New York Times list of Donald Trump’s Twitter insults. (Photo: Colin Campbell/Yahoo News)

The New York Times’ Monday paper contains a rather striking list of Donald Trump’s Twitter attacks since he launched his presidential campaign.
The two-page spread features an alphabetized tally of the victims of Trump’s caustic social-media bombardments. His targets range from media figures (“dumb as a rock,” Trump sniped at CNN’s Don Lemon) to rival candidates (“sad sack,” Trump jabbed at Jeb Bush) and beyond.
Photo: Colin Campbell/Yahoo NewsThough feuds on Twitter are common, Trump’s freewheeling use of the social media platform has been astonishing since he began his bid for the White House.
The Times even accounts for Trump’s many attacks directed at the newspaper and its reporters, whom he has frequently accused of fabricating stories about his campaign. (“The reporting at the failing @nytimes gets worse and worse by the day,” he tweeted in August. “Fortunately, it is a dying newspaper.”)
The list is far from a complete catalog of Trump’s Twitter invective. Because it only chronicles the insults leveled by Trump since the celebrity businessman launched his campaign in the summer of 2015, it misses Trump’s years of insults directed at figures like President Obama, Rosie O’Donnell, Mark Cuban and the British business magnate Alan Sugar. (Back in 2012, Trump tweeted: “Dopey Sugar @Lord_Sugar You can’t carry @piersmorgan’s jock!”)
The Times has for months been keeping a running interactive tally of Trump’s Twitter attacks, but Monday appears to be the first time it was published in print form.
“We’ve been building out the digital presentation for months and always intended to publish it in print, but we wanted to give the fullest representation of the tweets, which amount to public statements, and to find an appropriate moment,” Tom Jolly, associate masthead editor at the Times, told Yahoo News in a statement. “The period after the debates seemed like the right time for both parts of that equation.” more

No, Donald Trump Did Not Win A Medal From The NAACP The real story is much, much weirder.

10/23/2016 07:10 pm ET
WASHINGTON — A photograph of Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks that the founder of Trump’s “diversity coalition” hailed as evidence the Republican nominee won an “NAACP medal” for “helping America’s inner cities” was actually taken at an awards ceremony organized by a business associate with an ethnic grievance.
William Fugazy, a politically well-connected businessman who later pleaded guilty to perjury, gave the awards to Trump and 79 other people, most of them white, to protest the awarding of “medals of liberty” to a group of 12 recent immigrants that included a Chinese-born architect, a Costa Rica-born astronaut, a leading expert on the psychology of race, and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, but no “Irish, Italian, or Polish” people.
Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime attorney, adviser and campaign surrogate, posted the photo on Twitter earlier this week of Trump, Parks and Ali, “receiving NAACP medals for helping America’s inner cities. A man for ALL people!” The NAACP has not awarded any medals to Trump for “helping America’s inner cities,” the group told HuffPost. Nor have any other civil rights groups, according to Trump’s biographers.
Here’s the real story. In 1986, as preparations began for the centennial of the Statue of Liberty, a civic committee selected a group of 12 naturalized citizens to receive “medals of liberty” from President Ronald Reagan. The final list, announced that March, included composer Irving Berlin, who emigrated from Russia; Franklin Chang Diaz, an astronaut from Costa Rica; I.M. Pei, an architect born in China; and entertainment legend Bob Hope, who was born in England.
There was an immediate outcry. Fugazy, then Trump’s real estate broker and head of the Coalition of Italo-American Associations, was angry that there were nonative-born citizens among the 12 liberty medal winners (which was inevitable, since the award was for naturalized citizens) and that the list excluded certain ethnicities, “like the Irish, Italians and Poles.” more

SHOCKING, SAD & GRUESOME (TRELAWNY, JAMAICA) : Murder of 76-year-old Herbert Johnson shocks Battersea Elderly man shot multiple times.....“Why? What? Those are the questions everybody asking,”

BY RENAE DIXON Observer staff reporter  Monday, October 24, 2016    

The gruesome murder of 76-year-old Herbert Johnson in his bed last Thursday morning has left members of the Battersea community in shock. Johnson was shot multiple times, including in the face, after two gunmen invaded his home minutes after midnight.
A distressed Caneta Johnson recalls the final minutes with her
husband of over 40 years.
Family members and residents of Battersea which spans two parishes, Trelawny and St Ann, said the death of the farmer was a big shock to the community.
“Why? What? Those are the questions everybody asking,” Timarley Johnson, one of Johnson’s seven sons said.
“The way how them deal wid mi father, mi no think him deserve that kind of death,” Johnson continued.
Timarley said if his father had died from natural causes, it would be easier for the family to accept his passing.
“When mi hear say daddy dead mi no feel nervous, because mi a say him up in age,” Johnson said.
He said he was devastated when he found out that his father was murdered.
“Him hardly go anywhere; he no involve in wrongdoing,” the distressed son said.
“He have seven sons and none of us no involve in any wrongs,” he said.
Johnson said his father had been ill and had not gone about his usual business as a higgler for over a month. However, he continued farming up to the time of his death.
According to family members, armed men went to a house where Johnson lived previously and asked his grandson for “the old people” who lived there. They took the grandson at gunpoint and instructed him to take them to the house where Johnson and his wife of over 40 years, Caneta, lived. The grandson was used to get the couple to open the door to the house.
Johnson was shot and killed while in bed, in the house where he and his wife had been living for only a few weeks. Timarley Johnson said his father’s house was destroyed by fire last October; as a result, the couple moved to a neighbouring house while a new house was being constructed for them.
“Mi never want them move in until it finish, but they never want Hurricane Matthew catch them in that house,” he said.
The couple moved into the unfinished house as a precautionary measure.
Persons believe the gunmen wanted to kill the elderly man, since they went to the house they lived in previously asking for them. Also, Johnson’s wife and grandson, who were present at the time of the shooting, were not harmed.
Caneta Johnson said she opened the door after her grandson called saying he was not well.
“Mi believe, because he did sick a few days aback,” she said. more

Trump Just Removed His Name From His Hotels Due To Plummeting Business

By Grant SternPosted on October 22, 2016

Amidst reports that occupancy rates at Trump Hotels have slipped this election season, the company has announced that new brand hotels will no longer bear the Trump name. “We wanted a name that would be a nod to the Trump family and to the tremendous success it has had with its businesses, including Trump Hotels, while allowing for a clear distinction between our luxury and lifestyle brands,” Trump Hotels CEO Eric Danziger said in a statement.

Trump Hotels have suffered low occupancy rates as luxury travelers from around the world are shunning the Republican’s properties. The travel site Hipmunk reports double digit booking declines across the board.
However, that’s not the only high profile problem with a Trump’s flagging hotel chain.
The new Trump Hotel in Washington, DC is suffering from high vacancies, and was forced to cut prices nearly in half this month after the Republican nominee suckered cable TV news into covering a long informercial for the property before making a ten second announcement blaming his multi-year birther campaign falsely on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Those warnings look increasingly prophetic. While the break-even rate on the hotel rooms is more than $750 a night, by some estimates last weekend rooms could be had for under $500 per night — at a time when rival hotels were sold out weeks ahead of time. In his bid to win the lease, Trump promised to offer luxurious suites to lure business execs and diplomats, but many of the international elite appear to be avoiding it. If the failure to launch at Trump’s DC hotel property is any indication, there’s no longer a path forward in business for the luxury brand. Once the general public finds out that Scion is owned by Trump, it is only a matter of time before travelers book elsewhere.

Jamaican-born UK citizen detained in Trinidad after Caribbean Airlines mix-up Jamaican-born UK citizen detained in Trinidad over Caribbean Airlines mix-up

BY JEDIAEL CARTER Staff reporter  Sunday, October 23, 2016
When Dudley Smith boarded his Caribbean Airlines flight to Barbados at the Norman Manley International Airport on August 26 he never dreamt that it would lead to his first arrest and detention.
He told the Jamaica Observer that he was wrongly arrested and charged for disruptive behaviour on the flight after he refused to relinquish his seat which appeared to have been mistakenly assigned to another passenger.
Smith said that the night before his flight he used the airline’ Web check-in feature and selected seat 11F. Immediately after, he said he received a confirmation e-mail with the corresponding boarding pass, which he printed the day of the flight.
Having had everything checked and verified at the airline counter, Smith then proceeded to board the aircraft and take his seat. As he settled, he said the problem began. “I was in my seat for about 10 minutes when I was rudely interrupted by a woman who demanded that I vacate the seat. I showed her my boarding pass and she said she had 11F. I told her that she should sort that out with the crew,” Smith recalled, noting that the woman left.
Dudley Smith says he was arrested, charged,
 detained and tried in Trinidad & Tobago because
he refused to vacate his seat on a Caribbean Airlines flight.
“An air stewardess came and told me to hand over my boarding pass, which I did. She told me that I should vacate the seat and move to 5F. I asked her to give me one cogent reason why I should remove from my seat and also tell me what my rights were. She took the boarding pass, went out of my sight and returned with 11F crossed out in ink and again repeated that I should remove. I told her I believe she has no right to go and do that change. She called in the airport police authority,” Smith stated.
When the police personnel arrived, he said, they asked about the problem and he told them the same thing that he told the flight attendant. The security personnel, according to Smith, conferred amongst themselves and requested that he place his bag in the overhead hatch as he was seated at an emergency exit.
He said they questioned his willingness to aide passengers should there be an emergency and left the aircraft when he affirmed his willingness.
The aircraft then left for Trinidad & Tobago, Smith being of the view that the seat matter had been laid to rest. more

CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY CRASH : Fatal Tour Bus Crash Kills 13 and injuring 31 , Closes Freeway in Palm Springs Area

By Staff and Wire Services 10/23/16
A tour bus crashed into the back of a truck on Interstate 10 north of Palm Springs before sunrise Sunday, killing 13 and injuring 31, authorities said.
A bus crashed into the back of a truck on
 Interstate 10 north of Palm Springs before
 sunrise Sunday, Oct. 23, 2016, and early
 reports from the scene indicate three
 people were killed.
The Riverside County Coroner's office confirmed 13 people aboard the bus were killed in the disastrous crash that shut down the entire westbound 10 Freeway west of Indian Canyon Road. Traffic was being diverted off the freeway at the Indian Avenue offramp, and it wasn't clear when lanes would reopen.
Rescuers continued to search the wreckage for more victims. Pictures from the scene showed firefighters using ladders to get into the passenger compartment of the bus, which had been peeled back from the vehicle's undercarriage about one third of its length.
Video from the scene showed the front end of the bus had been demolished in what appeared to have been a grinding crash. The truck driver also suffered injuries and was taken to the hospital for treatment. 
The Desert Sun newspaper reported on its website that 31 people had been injured, and taken to hospitals in the Coachella Valley. 


POLITICS ....Karl Rove: Donald Trump Can’t Win “I don’t see it happening.”

10/23/2016 10:48 am ET
Karl Rove is throwing in the towel.
In an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” the Republican strategist said thatDonald Trump’s poll numbers are simply too dismal to end in victory on election night.
Hillary Clinton  & Karl Rove
“I don’t see it happening,” Rove told Fox. “If he plays an inside straight, he could get it, but I doubt he’s going to be able to play it.”
Rove explained Trump’s electoral vote deficit, swing state by swing state. Mitt Romney only won 206 electoral votes in 2012, and according to Rove’s judgment, Trump can only feel comfortable about 168, with just over two weeks to go before the Nov. 8 election. 
Trump, Rove said, is barely eking out a polling lead in Ohio and Iowa, which Obama won in 2012. But he is also behind in North Carolina and Arizona, states that Romney won. And his deficit in other electoral vote-rich states like Florida is so severe that he is unlikely to pull ahead.
“I doubt that in the just over two weeks we’ve got left, conducting the kind of campaign he’s conducting, that he’s going to be able to swing 1 out of every, you know, 10 voters, 1 out of every 12 voters, 1 out of every 15 voters and 1 out of every 6 voters in a state and convert them,” Rove said. 
Rove is not a man who gives up easily. In 2012, he had an on-air meltdown over whether Romney had won or lost Ohio, insisting in vain that the Republican nominee still had a chance to win the election. Romney lost.