Unite Jamaica People (UJP) - RESOCIALIZATION CAMPAIGN DISCIPLINE BEGINS AT HOME...Indisciplined homes brings undisciplined communities which guarantees the destruction of a Nation.

Published June 8, 2015

Indisciplined  homes brings undisciplined communities which guarantees the destruction of a Nation.
Are we as a people serious about regaining a hold on our country, and do we realize that the first place to start is with the area of discipline as a part of a larger re-socialization program and strategic campaign?
The degradation of our moral and economic fibre is largely responsible for the challenges we face today in almost every sphere of our existence as a people and a country. This degradation is directly related to the indiscipline which has been entrenched as a part of our culture.
Discipline starts in our homes and the socialization of our children dictate the quality of the individual that will be release in society as a participant in daily life activities. We repose that every man is the sum total of his life experience up to the point of his action. The first teachers are the parents who have the responsibility of moulding and shaping the learning experience and values system to be inculcated into the child. This process commence from the child is being developed in the womb of the mother. What happens in the life of this child between birth and three to five years old will set the foundation and tone for the type of life he or she will live and also the emotional and physical pains that the parent will suffer for a non-conforming child.
Jamaica of 2015 has seen the devaluation of our social order and the institutionalizing of ill mannered and shameful assaults on the society in general. This experience suggests a failure within the structure of the “family” and the facilitating society. Much of the maladies and ills can be attributed to a breakdown in the home, outside influences, peer pressure, the music and entertainment fraternity, loose media communication and a general sense of the lack of civic pride. Until we return as a people to the days of high moral and ethical standards, an unequalled value system, respect for self others and the environment and the recognition of the importance of good hygiene, deportment and humility, we will not as a people be able to progress beyond our limiting capacity.

If indeed we accept that discipline has to be the first order of business to restore our country then we can appreciate what can be achieved with a disciplined and responsive education system and by extension a productive and economically viable system for National Development and advancement. With such a sustainable system, it will be reasonable to suggest that there will be less crime and violence and a strong and viable economic system will evolve. more

1 comment:

  1. Our country has obviously gone off course and the indiscipline has manifested itself in the society to the point that our more vulnerable women,children and youth are being slaughtered by misguided minds.Corruption and the low productivity is of serious cause for concern.Our government cannot legislate morality and values, these are attributes that must be taught from the homes and reinforced in our schools and communities. We must take back our country.Please join the re-socialization campaign at Unite Jamaica People."
