6 ‘Bad’ Habits That Are Actually Good....1. Fidgeting 2. Not Showering Every Day 3. Sunbathing 4. Not Making Your Bed and more......

 Katie Waldeck June 21, 2015    
We hear all the time about all these different habits that could be killing us. But plenty of “bad” habits aren’t nearly as bad as they appear to be. And other habits that are not so great in excess are just fine in moderation. Read on for some of the most surprisingly good “bad” habits.6 ‘Bad’ Habits That Are Actually Good
1. Fidgeting
Can’t sit still? Though it may not be the most polite thing in the world, it is actually good for your health. On average, people who fidget burn more calories than people who don’t. Over the course of the day, this can add up to hundreds of calories. And what’s even better is that, the more you weigh, the more calories you burn fidgeting!
2. Not Showering Every Day
Too lazy to hop in the shower? Well, we’ve got good news for you: showering every single day is actually worse for your skin and hair than taking showers every few days, especially if you use very hot water. Over-showering and too-hot temperatures dry out your skin and hair and strip away the natural oils needed for healthy, beautiful skin and hair. Eventually, this can lead to skin conditions like eczema. If you must shower every day, only use soap on areas that are particularly prone to sweat, like your armpits, feet and groin.
3. Sunbathing
Too much sun and you run the risk of getting skin damage and skin cancer. But that doesn’t mean you should stay out of the sun all together. Since the proliferation of sunscreen, the numbers of people being treated for vitamin D deficiency has spiked, which can cause a number of different health problems. Bottom line? It’s all about moderation. Some sun is good for you. In the summer months, this means about 20 minutes of sunscreen-free time outside a day.
4. Not Making Your Bed
Sure, it doesn’t look as neat, but not making your bed may actually help prevent allergies. One study found that allergy-and-asthma-causing dust mites actually crave a made bed, and don’t do so well under the conditions of an unmade bed. Leaving the bed unmade will release the moisture dust mutes need to survive and thrive.
5. Dessert With Breakfast
Go ahead, have your cake and eat it too! Some research has shown that eating a sweets at breakfast time can help you meet your weight loss goals. One study actually showed that people who ate something sweet at breakfast were better able to stave off cravings throughout the rest of the day.
6. Getting Mad
Getting mad all the time? Not so great. Never getting mad ever? Well, that’s not-so-healthy, either, both psychologically and, research is increasingly showing, medically. In and of itself, being angry is not a bad thing; it’s how you channel that energy that can be good or bad.


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