IN JAMAICA (CONFLICTED): Are Kids Psychologically Scarred Or Just Rude? CDA's clinical psychologists study- Of the 460 children who were screened, 39 per cent were found to be normal while the remaining 61 per cent were deemed to be either borderline....

Jamaica Gleaner Published:Monday | May 11, 2015Ryon Jones
Children who display behavioural problems are often branded as rude, but experts argue that in many instances, this is not the case and that there is, in fact, some underlying psychological problem that the youngsters need help coping with.
Cherena Forbes, clinical psychologist Child Development
 Agency – South East Region.
A mobile health project which was undertaken by the Child Development Agency (CDA) between 2014 and 2015 in the southeast region saw assessments carried out on members of 10 children's homes and two juvenile remand centres. Of the 460 children who were screened, 39 per cent were found to be normal while the remaining 61 per cent were deemed to be either borderline (12 per cent) or abnormal (49 per cent); meaning there was, at least, indication of issues that required further assessment.
"They (Jamaicans) don't understand that there are real mental health issues and what we call disorder (affecting some of our children)," CDA's clinical psychologist for the North East Region, Melody Samuels, said during a Gleaner Editor's forum held at the company's Kingston headquarters last week.
Samuels pointed out that, among the conditions that are found in children is post traumatic stress disorder, which is similar to what some soldiers experience after returning from war.
"That is a condition that comes after an individual has been exposed to circumstances that they perceive to be dangerous and they felt that they couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't help or protect themselves or those they love," Samuels shared.
Children are also found to be depressed, which can cause irritability; some have been abused, while others suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiance disorder. more

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