IN JAMAICA: Slain cop had planned to leave the Force soon...Cop was well-loved figure in the community...," Felecia told the Jamaica Observer after the incident. "I never think that my husband would die, period."

 BY PAUL HENRY Observer staff reporter  Monday, December 22, 2014  
IT shouldn't have ended this way, the forever dream. The dream Felecia Preddie had of growing old with husband Orville, nurturing their two children into adults and having a hand in the upbringing of their grandchildren.
But the hand fate dealt would be heart breakingly unlike the dream Felecia had envisioned. Although her husband's duty as police officer placed him in the face of danger each time he left their Asia home in the parish of Manchester, it had never crossed Felecia's mind during her husband's 10 years in the force that harm would actually come to him. All she's left with now to usher her into her golden years is 14 years of memories with her 34-year-old husband.
Last Thursday night her dream was shattered by gunmen during a robbery at the cop's favourite hangout close to his home in south Manchester.
Preddie and Orville
"I never think that something like this would happen, to tell the truth. I hear it all the while but I didn't think this would happen to me. I never think my husband would die in the police force," Felecia told the Jamaica Observer after the incident. "I never think that my husband would die, period."
If Felecia didn't think about life without her husband by her side, Orville, on the other hand, always had it in the back of his head, Felecia said, that he could die in the line of duty and leave his family. This concern formed part of his reason for wanting to leave the force he had so cheerfully joined years ago. more

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