Thursday, June 19, 2014
SEVERAL editorials ago, we cautioned that the way the gay community has been conducting its campaign to gain acceptance would result in serious resistance from the Jamaican populace. That predicted pushback is beginning, and it's not only by the church.
The anguished response to the introduction of material deemed to be age-inappropriate by Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ) into six private homes for children is the latest indication of that resistance.
As late as Thursday, May 22, 2014, we noted: "...But we admit to growing unease that the gay community is not as tolerant as they want others to be of them."
It is our view that, over the years, Jamaicans have been growing in patience and tolerance, generally leaving homosexuals to do what they wish to do in private. But taking their cue from the United States, apparently, Jamaican gays have been adopting a more aggressive stance in demanding to be recognised as equal to heterosexuals. One gets the impression that, in the US, heterosexuals don't even have the right to say they disagree with the gay lifestyle, without attracting some form of punishment.
Not satisfied with blocking entertainers who have been accused of producing "hate material" advocating violence against gays from making money in some countries overseas, the community's leadership has told outright lies against the Jamaican nation, by consistently portraying gay-on-gay violence as evidence of "homophobia" and abuse of gays. This has assisted in gaining sympathy from fellow gays overseas and, in some cases, asylum and funding. But Jamaicans have been quietly seething. more
Is it not tolerance that the Gay community wants. They want full acceptance of their lifestyle as being normal. And keep in mind that they cannot reproduce, so to add to their community they must RECRUIT. The young people are their target market.