Daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes discusses being pregnant at 14, overcoming trials in new book ‘Lost & Found’

Sarah Jakes and her father Bishop T.D. Jakes. (Photo courtesy of Rubenstein PR and Sarah Jakes)
Sarah Jakes and her father Bishop T.D. Jakes.
 (Photo courtesy of Rubenstein PR and Sarah Jakes)
For Sarah Jakes, the daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, one of the nation’s most powerful and prominent pastors, childhood presented some unique challenges.
Her upbringing was heavily influenced by her family’s deep involvement with the church – so when she became pregnant at 14, Jakes faced the most difficult moment in her life.
“I was terrified,” Jakes told theGrio, thinking back to the events leading up to her parent’s discovery of her pregnancy. “You have this idea of ‘I’m going to get in trouble,’ like ‘I’m going to be grounded forever’ because you have nothing else really at that point to compare it to.”
Jakes recounted the memories she still holds from that day, sharing that it was her sister who broke the news to her parents after she wrote a letter and left it in the family’s mailbox.
Sarah Jakes the cover of her new book 'Lost & Found' (L)  and her 11-year-old, Malachi (R). Photos courtesy of (Rubenstein PR and Sarah Jakes)“My parents were speechless. I mean, my father was a preacher, who speaks for a living, and he was speechless,” Jakes said. “And that’s when it dawned on me that this was so much bigger than being grounded. [I was] bringing a life into the world and while I certainly had other options, whether abortions or adoptions, there was something inside of me that said I could do it.”
It was this tough experience – along with several other similarly trying moments — that motivated Jakes to write a book detailing some of the burdens she’s carried and the strength she found to overcome them. more

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