Published: Saturday | March 1, 2014
As the Police High Command continues its drive to root out double-dealing ahead of next month's visit by the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption, half the number of police officers who voluntarily took lie-detector tests in the first eight months of 2013 have failed.
Police Commissioner Owen Ellington |
As global human-rights watchdog Amnesty International highlights the conundrum faced by the Police High Command in the absence of specific legislation to deal with corruption and other issues, the National Integrity Action (NIA) is frowning at the Government's failure to push anti-corruption laws through Parliament.
Amnesty International referred to The Jamaica 2013 Human Rights Report, in which that data supplied by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) revealed that up to August last year, 95 of the 190 police officers who opted to take lie-detector tests, did not pass or complete the test.
Amnesty said it was unable to determine whether Police Commissioner Owen Ellington would discipline those officers who failed the test.
NIA Executive Director Professor Trevor Munroe and his team are scheduled to meet with the representatives of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption next month. Munroe noted that member states are reviewed by a group constituted of other member states.
"The peer-review group is going to be visiting Jamaica, and the NIA will be meeting with them on April 1," he disclosed.
Added Munroe: "The purpose of the meeting is for them to get our perspective, and the extent to which the entities designated to carry out the convention's obligations are actually functioning." more
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