Protecting The Prostate Of The Jamaican Man

Cut out intake of excessive alcohol and fatty foods
Cut out intake of excessive
alcohol and fatty foods
It is a well-known fact that prostate cancer is the number-one cause of cancer deaths in Jamaican men. I wish the cure could be found because many have lost loved ones and many more of our men are ailing from this dreaded disease.
There is no scientific evidence that any particular food or nutrient can cure or prevent prostate cancer. Most researchers and health professionals worldwide have agreed that choosing a healthy lifestyle, which includes making healthy food choices, will lower the risk of developing prostate cancer.
The following lifestyle habits practised in our Jamaican culture may be the cause for our men being at such high risk of developing prostate cancer:
Consumption of high-fat foods such as fried chicken, escoveitched fish, oxtail, fried dumpling/plantain/ breadfruit/fritters, ackee and salt fish/mackerel /corned pork, bread and butter, and patty. read more...

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