THE Marine Police yesterday seized approximately 3,285 pounds of marijuana during an operation in Hellshire Pond, St Catherine -- an area that they say had been under the radar for the past several months.
"We believe we have made a major dent in the ongoing drugs-for-guns trade with this seizure," commented Assistant Superintendent of Police Adrian Hamilton, who is assigned to the Marine Police Division in Kingston.
"We believe we have made a major dent in the ongoing drugs-for-guns trade with this seizure," commented Assistant Superintendent of Police Adrian Hamilton, who is assigned to the Marine Police Division in Kingston.
The police report that about 12:30 am, members from the Marine Division were on patrol in the remote area when they saw two high-powered, 28-foot canoes with two men aboard. They claimed the men, who were acting in a "suspicious manner", ran on the approach of the police team. Read more:
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