Man Performs CPR On Wallaby....'Lucky' The Wallaby Saved From Creek By Recent CPR Trainee

Would you perform CPR on a wallaby? One Australian man was able to utilize his newly-learned rescue skills on a very unlikely victim.
Lucky 2Mick Hussin was on holiday in Byron Bay, New South Wales enjoying a beer when he saw a pack of dogs chase a wallaby joey into a nearby creek, according to NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service (WIRES). Hussin jumped into the creek and was able to grab the animal by the tail and pull it to shore. Hussin cupped his hands into a funnel and began performing CPR on the joey.
"I thought I might've been wasting my time, but I thought I would keep trying anyway," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "After ten minutes of performing CPR, the wallaby's hands started to move. It was the greatest feeling when I saw its paws move," Hussin said according to a WIRES press release. read more..

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