The verdict could come in any minute.
PHOENIX, Ariz. -- The Jodi Arias jury began its first full day of deliberations Monday, after listening to testimony since early January.
Arias is accused of stabbing 30-year-old Travis Alexander nearly 30 times, shooting him in the head and cutting his throat from ear to ear in his Mesa home on June 4 , 2008.
The eight-man, four-woman panel, which heard four months of testimony and final arguments, deliberated a half-hour Friday evening before recessing for the weekend. READ More...
Regardless, anyone who shoots an individual in the temple, slits their throat from ear to ear & then stabs them 27+ times deserves to be found guilty of 1st degree murder. Hate that the taxpayers have to support her for the remainder of her life. Even with the death penalty, she will have more years on this earth than Travis did.